Urban Mobility Giants
The media and entertainment sectors are undergoing profound changes with the arrival of new players, convergence with telecoms and digitalization. Sia Partners supports sector players in the redesign of economic models in a context of disrupted audiences.
Audio market
The audio market is booming with the advent of podcasts and touches all players in the media sector. Radios, broadcasters and press groups must reinvent themselves to define an editorial strategy, gain market share and monetize this audience.
Customer Experience in the Media Industry
The expertise of Sia Partners' customer experience helps support media and entertainment players in transforming their audience into loyal users. This expertise takes advantage of an optimization of websites, OTT or gaming platforms.
Launch of offers and services
In connection with its Marketing practice Sia Partners supports its clients in the marketing segmentation, strategic marketing and the definition of new value propositions. Sia Partners covers the entire launch of new products from conception to time to market.
Organizational transformation
In connection with the HR practice, Sia Partners defines the relevant organizations with regard to the orientations of the company, thanks to proven expertise in the different stages of a reorganization project (ideation, social engineering, change management, ...).
Digitalization of advertising
With the digitalization of advertising and the fragmentation of budgets, economic models are being turned upside down. Sia Partners with its market mastery and its DataScience and AI laboratory identifies new strategies and growth drivers.