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Sia understands that your privacy is important to you.


Sia is committed to offering the highest level of security for the services it provides. By ensuring the protection of personal data and by providing simplicity, clarity, and transparency, Sia wishes to treat personal data with respect and exemplarity within the framework of a relationship of trust. Sia's orientations aim to develop its services in an environment that is undergoing accelerated changes both technically and in terms of regulations. Data protection is therefore a priority for Sia. Having integrated the constant evolution of security threats and risks, Sia places security on a daily basis at the heart of its concerns. This policy applies to all Sia offices.

How do we collect your personal data?

In the course of carrying out its activities, Sia collects and processes some of your personal data. The communication of your data is voluntary and does not constitute a condition of use of the site. This personal data is collected directly from you, or indirectly.

For example, Sia collects information about you:

  • When you browse our site, including the mobile version ;
  • When you subscribe to newsletters, alerts, or contests;
  • When you register for conferences or events;
  • When you request the download of a study from the site;
  • When you register to submit applications on the Sia recruitment portal.

What personal data do we collect?

The data we collect is, for example:

  • Information relating to your identification: surname, first name, civil status;
  • Information to contact you: address, telephone number, e-mail;
  • Professional information: company, position;
  • Information submitted with applications;
  • Information that you do not enter directly: IP addresses, elements of the http protocol, browsing imprint on the site, cookies.
  • If it appears necessary for us to collect or use particular categories of personal data ("sensitive data"), we would ask you to give your express consent.

The mandatory nature of responses is signalled to you on personal data collection forms by an asterisk next to the applicable field(s). In the absence of an asterisk, the information asked for is facultative. 

We are vigilant in protecting the privacy of minors. We do not intentionally collect personal data from minors.

How do we use your personal data?

We only use personal data if this use is at least based on the legal basis specified below:

  • Compliance with a legal obligation incumbent on Sia;
  • The protection of the legitimate interests of Sia;
  • The execution of a contract concluded or pre-contractual measures taken at the request of the person concerned by the processing;
  • The consent is given by the person concerned by the processing. 


We process your data in order to, in particular :

  • Carry out navigation analyses, and studies with a goal to improve the personalisation of your interactions.
  • Respond to your requests for information;
  • Publish your comments;
  • Manage your requests to register for conferences or events;
  • Evaluate applications and recruit;
  • Distribute newsletters, articles, information, and alerts;
  • Improve our quality of service;
  • Distribute commercial offers in B2B.


The processing of personal data as part of our assignments:

We may also process personal data as part of the services we provide to our clients, in accordance with our contractual commitments. In this case, the data is processed exclusively within the scope of the assignment. We implement organizational and technical security measures to limit access to data and guarantee the confidentiality of the information processed in the specific context of our services.

Who are the recipients of your personal data?

Your data is intended for the services of Sia. They may also be transmitted to third parties, such as service providers to whom we entrust the performance of certain activities (not, for example, the management of applications).

Sia may be requested by the authorities to transmit personal data.

Sia shall ensure that it has (including with its partners and service providers) sufficient guarantees with respect to the protection of personal data at each data transfer.

Who is responsible for your personal data in case of a link to a third party site?

If during navigation Sia provides a link to a third party site, the rules and policies applicable to that site shall apply. Under no circumstances shall Sia be held responsible for the processing of your personal data by a third party site.

Where is your personal data stored and processed?

As data regulation legislation is not equivalent between countries, Sia has chosen to give priority to hosting and processing data on French territory, or where applicable a European Union country, or to contract with a company complying with the European Commission's Standard Contractual Clauses.

How long is your personal data kept?

Your data concerned by processing operations are kept in accordance with a set of rules. Sia only processes data that is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed. This entails, in particular, ensuring that the data retention period is limited to the strict minimum. This retention period is variable and depends on the nature of the data, its purpose and the legal and regulatory aspects to which it is subject.

How your personal data is protected

Sia ensures that the processing of personal data benefits from the highest level of security. Sia guarantees the implementation of "appropriate technical and organisational measures", taken according to the nature of the data, the purposes of the processing and the associated risks. In the event of an incident leading to a violation of personal data, Sia shall notify the incident to the competent supervisory authority and inform, if necessary, the persons concerned as soon as possible.

What are your rights?

In accordance with the applicable data protection regulations, you have the following rights:

  • a right of access and communication on the information concerning you and the associated processing;
  • a right of rectification with the possibility to complete and update your information;
  • a right to portability in order to transmit the information concerning the person by making the request to a third party when this is technically possible, it is specified that this right is only applicable to the data directly provided by the person;
  • a right to determine the fate of your data in the event of death;
  • the right to have the data deleted;
  • a right to limit the processing of your data;
  • a right to object to the processing;
  • a right to withdraw consent for the use of your data.

We bring to your attention the fact that when the law requires it, in the case of compliance with its contractual obligations, public interest, or legitimate interest, Sia reserves the right, exceptionally, not to honor certain request contents (related to a request for deletion, limitation, and opposition).

Furthermore, in the case of requests that are manifestly unfounded or excessive, in particular, due to their repetitive nature, Sia may either:

  • require the payment of reasonable fees that take into account the administrative costs incurred to provide the information, carry out the communications or take the requested measures ;
  • refuse to comply with such requests.

However, it shall be incumbent upon Sia to demonstrate the manifestly unfounded or excessive nature of such requests.

How do you exercise your rights?

You may exercise your rights by enclosing a copy of an identity document with your application, either :

Sia shall have a period of one month to reply to you. In the event of a complex request or a large number of requests, this period may be extended to three months. If necessary, Sia will inform you.

How to make a claim

If, despite all the attention that Sia pays to the processing of your data, you find that Sia does not satisfy your request, you may file a complaint with the CNIL (Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés):

CNIL 3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07.

How are cookies managed?

During your browsing experience on the website, cookies can be stored on your computer, with your consent when required. Generally, a cookie is a small text file sent to your internet browser and serves as proof of online connection. During your first visit to the website, you will have the possibility to accept or refuse cookies as well as to choose in a detailed manner what kind of cookies you accept or refuse. You also have the option to configure your browser to ensure no cookies are stored on your hard drive.

You can access our Cookie Policy by clicking here