Canadian Hydrogen Observatory: Insights to fuel…
5 technologies to reduce dependence on critical materials and contribute to the energy transition
This study provides reading keys on stationary batteries, in particular on the different battery technologies and associated materials. Sia Partners draws on its sectoral expertise to provide a global overview of the stationary battery storage market.
Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 requires developing electrical flexibility solutions to respond to the intermittency caused by the integration of renewable energy sources on the network. Among these solutions, stationary battery storage should ultimately constitute the largest source of energy storage ahead of pumped-storage hydroelectric power plants, which today dominate global storage capacities.
Our study, which is based on numerous sources of information and our analysis, highlights a lack of supply of critical materials (lithium, cobalt, nickel) by 2030 given the growing demand for stationary storage by batteries necessary for carbon neutrality.
Faced with this observation, Sia Partners offers a comparative analysis of the performance of the battery technologies identified, in particular comparing mature technologies to available emerging technologies. Two major axes stand out in this analysis: the durability of the main materials making up the battery studied and the potential use of the technology for an industrial player wishing to install a park of stationary batteries on its site.