Urban Air Mobility Observatory (UAM)
Frictions in teams are normal, too many individual frustrations indicate collective cultural challenges. Our simple and iterative approach includes individuals committing to micro-actions, which proves effective in improving collaboration and building shared ownership of company culture.
Are you sometimes frustrated at work? Of course you are. We might as well ask if you were human. Those frustrations don’t need to be inevitable. With the right tools, good communication and a collective understanding of your situation, you can start working towards a more fluid working environment.
Actions are the key defining factor of organizational culture. People follow the examples of those around them and co-create collective behaviour. Conscious change is hard but you can get there if you’re intrinsically motivated.
This is why top-down pre-defined culture change initiatives are hardly ever successful by themselves. They all too often misunderstand or undervalue the existing culture. Frustrations foster and defeatism about culture is widespread.
Our micro-actions solution starts small by working on small, individual challenges. There’s no need to perform a full analysis, your people know what they would like to change. By empowering them as a team, you allow them to take company culture into their own hands. Engagement grows, ownership improves and overall wellbeing goes up.
Of course, this requires commitment. From you towards your employees: to follow where they go. From your employees towards you: to believe in their team.
Micro-actions can grow into many things. This entirely depends on the needs that arise and the solutions you come up with. We use our ample experience to support you along the way and to see what bigger initiatives are needed to anchor early results.
Our team will guide you through the first stages and help you define the next steps.