Cities’ Livability In the Age of Global…

Articles, research and insights.
Article 11 minutes read
The Age of Postal Transformation
From managing the decline of existing businesses to rebooting and investing in growth opportunities.
Article 9 minutes read
E-commerce Delivery: Improving Customer Experience
Providing outstanding delivery experiences is imperative for retailers. They must therefore redefine their marketing mix according to customer segmentation.
Article 18 minutes read
Embrace the green journey towards decarbonized urban deliveries
As the transport sector accounts for 25% of GHG emissions, many measures have been put in place by the member countries. This article covers the regulations & means of enforcement in force in the EU and the alternative solutions to thermal trucks / vans used in the transport of goods in urban areas.
Article 30 minutes read
Towards cleaner and more sustainable shipping: the required actions
The shipping industry is the backbone of international trade and is of major economic importance to the world economy. Shipping volumes have been continuously on the rise for centuries due to worldwide economic growth and increasing globalization.
Article 24 minutes read
Electrified Road Freight Transport
The transport sector, with diesel as the dominant fuel type, is responsible for over 20% of human caused greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in Europe[i], coming in second place only after the energy generating sector (resp. 31%) as a major contributor to global warming.
Article 11 minutes read
End-to-end traceability: a challenge for postal operators
The rise of internet communication has forced traditional postal operators to cope with declining mail volumes. However, it also offers major opportunities through the growing demand for e-commerce parcel deliveries.