Cities’ Livability In the Age of Global…

Our team understands the challenges of commercialising IP and technology. We help identify problems that existing assets can solve & routes to commercial applications. We rapidly identify pilot roadmaps, partners & customers for first revenues, taking ventures from MVP to fully functional new BUs.
Commercialising breakthrough technologies & existing IP is a core strategic requirement of any company now. We believe to reach scaled & real-world impact you must be problem led proving the impact through quick, tangible, outcomes. We partner with companies, taking existing IP or discovering new technologies to unlock fresh customer applications, products and growth.
•Deeptech is a category of technologies that solve hard, world-changing problems through meaningful scientific or technological developments
•These technologies typically have long development cycles, which happen in isolation from customers and consequently arrive at the market in varying Tech Readiness Levels (TRLs) without use cases or product-market fit
•We speed up the product-market fit process by taking existing IP/ new investments and applying tried and tested growth principles to ensure it has clear customer problems to solve and is scalable
•Deeptech products are category-creating opportunities that offer your company the ability to solve sticky problems with high long-term value
•Organisations that embrace these technologies (whether through IP creation or looking to the external market) gain the ability to invent/ acquire and partner their way into frontier markets or go faster than the competition
•Adopting commercialisation improves your ability to invest in R&D and accelerate the process from feasibility testing to scaled, built products in the market
•Exponential problems will require exponential companies and products to tackle them, the critical challenges we face such as climate change, population growth, space races and protecting the world etc. will all require Deeptech to power, shape and deliver the impact required over the next decade
•This will also allow you to improve your Return on Invested Capital in R&D, create new product lines, achieve higher margin growth and build defensible products
•In Europe, Deeptech makes up roughly a quarter of the startup ecosystem and together, the companies are valued at €150bn, up from €25bn ten years ago and so to remain competitive companies must be either partnering/ investing in these companies or building their own
Deeptech is a class of world-impacting technologies addressing issues from carbon capture, to the future of health & into space. Companies must learn how to leverage these technologies and the opportunity to create new categories and defendable revenue streams or risk losing out on long-term growth.
We are commercial translators borrowing from the latest methods in digital ventures, scientific advancement & commercial methods to speed up Deeptech outcomes.
Your organisation may sit on technology & IP that can be leveraged for new growth and impact or there are adjacent new technologies and startups mature enough for you to leverage and make a fresh impact with.
Our methodology has been refined over 15-years of projects and is end to end, from invention to launch, to accelerate the time to impact for Deeptech by building customer-centric, world-changing products.
We developed a new offering for the healthcare market, brokered a start-up partnership to accelerate product development, built a comprehensive go-to-market strategy and established a pipeline of first customers.
Our work enabled Fujitsu to commercialise existing quantum IP. The drug discovery platform we built is actively used to find cures for different diseases and has won an industry award.
IP Commercialisation • Tech Scouting • Go-to-market
Winner of the Innovative E-Health Solutions Award at the WITSA Global ICT Excellence Awards 2020
We conducted an analysis to identify adjacent markets where Airbus could commercialise their disruptive AR technology. We rapidly defined and prioritised market segments for pilots.
We defined, benchmarked and tested the value proposition with 25+ leading players, 2 industrial sectors identified as top opportunities, 5 potential pilot customers engaged and the venture is now in market.
Innovation Strategy • IP Commercialisation • GTM Strategy
We developed a compelling proposition with a new GTM approach for E.ON’s LED technology. We engaged with buyers and identified contract opportunities.
Our work led E.ON’s street lighting bid response to create a partnership to offer innovative services as part of the proposal. Secured three 25 year street lighting PFI contracts to a value of £250m.
Proposition Development • IP Commercialisation • Ecosystem Partnering
And we’ve been executing it for 10+ years.
With 10+ years of experience in executing commercialisation, we help our clients achieve product-market fit. We know that technology commercialisation must be problem led and not solution led, and as such go through a process of customer validation and testing to ensure the end outcome is one that truly solves a market need. We stage-gate the investment based on key milestones through customer needs, feasibility testing, prototyping, customer validation, proof of concept & MVPs.
We help unlock tangible scientific or technological developments through our end-to-end commercialisation process.
Through our growth strategy process we seek to identify the growth readiness of the organization & how the growth can be executed. We identify existing capabilities & the operational reality. We then look to the external market and customer needs to understand what opportunity hotspots to pursue. | In this phase, we undertake an assessment of our clients' portfolio of existing IP, projects underway & roadmap items. We use our outside-in perspective to undertake market assessments, competitive landscapes, & customer discovery to identify value & new opportunities for customers, markets & offerings / services. | Having identified assets across our clients’ portfolio, we plan how these can be taken to market. We build new business models, product roadmaps, identify partners through scouting, operating model & validated GTM approach. We design & deliver POCs and MVPs. | Having validated the proposition with the market, we identify go-to-market partners and first customers. Having delivered successful POCs / MVPs, we take these proof points to market to launch at scale and identify new markets. | We help our clients to spin out / divest new ventures that have the opportunity to become standalone. |