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Combatting climate change and increasing the resilience of inhabitants in the Cameroon and Ntem estuaries.
DOUALA, CAMEROUN – Planète Urgence, Orange, and Sia Partners launched on November 4th the largest ever mangrove restoration project in Cameroon. The announcement took place during an inaugural event, in the presence of the mayor of Douala, local partners, administrative and traditional authorities, investors, experts, and observers.
The preservation and restoration of forest ecosystems is a key factor in the fight against climate change, inequality, and threats to biodiversity. In Cameroon, 66% of mangrove forests are depleted, despite playing an essential role for local populations in terms of revenue generation and combatting climate change.
Planète Urgence, an international NGO based in Paris, has therefore launched a large-scale project allowing for the restauration and sustainable management of nearly 1,000 hectares of mangrove forests in the Cameroon and Ntem estuaries. The project will contribute to global carbon neutrality and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
In addition to the positive impact on climate change and biodiversity, this project will strive for a significant socio-economic impact on local communities. Workshops to raise awareness of the value and sustainable management of mangrove forests will be organized for children and local residents, to empower them to become mangrove stewards. The project will also focus on developing sustainable income-generating initiatives.
This project, financed by Orange and Sia Partners, will be coordinated by Planète Urgence and implemented by Cameroonian NGOs, carbon and biodiversity experts, and traditional, local, and national authorities in Cameroon.
“Mangrove forests are extremely valuable ecosystems for Cameroon. They protect the coasts from flooding and nourish fish populations, which feed and reproduce in the mangroves. However, it is estimated that nearly 3,000 hectares of mangrove forests disappear every year in Cameroon, which is the equivalent of more than 4,200 football fields! It is clear that we must take rapid, widespread action, so that coastal populations can restore the mangroves and reappropriate these ecosystems in the long term. The CAMERR project is a tremendous response to these challenges, and Planète Urgence is proud to lead it, alongside local partners, communities, traditional, local, and national authorities, and with the support of Orange and Sia Partners.” – Amandine Hersant, Executive Director at Planète Urgence.
“On behalf of Orange, I am proud to contribute to this project and its high societal and environmental impact. The project is a great example of how Orange views its action: committed, in partnership with local stakeholders and with eyes on the horizon.” – Elizabeth Tchoungui, Executive Social Responsibility Director: CSR, Diversity, and Solidarity at Orange.
“With its significant environmental, socio-economic, and biodiversity impact, the CAMERR project constitutes a major step forward for Sia Partners’ Consulting for Good program, by which our objective is to leverage our consulting capabilities to help build a better world for future generations. We are proud to support this project and look forward to contributing to its success.” – Jean Trzcinski, Managing Partner and Climate Analysis Team Leader at Sia Partners.
Planète Urgence is an NGO that empowers women and men to preserve forests and biodiversity. It strives to preserve forests and biodiversity, promote community development, and raise environmental awareness. The association is particularly involved in mangrove ecosystems, agroforestry, and wood energy. It’s efforts are focused in the Congo Basin and Southern Africa (Cameroon, Madagascar, Benin), as well as in the Southeast Asian Basin and the Amazon.
Planète Urgence is convinced that environmental solutions demand collective action, alongside the private and public sectors. In 2022, Planète Urgence celebrated 22 years of impact, including more than 13 million trees planted and 18 years of presence in Cameroon.
Planète Urgence is part of SOS Group, a leader in social entrepreneurship in Europe and a major player in the social and inclusive economy, comprising 650 associations, social enterprises, establishments, and services, which combat, act, and innovate for the benefit of vulnerable populations, future generations, and territories.
Orange is one of the world’s leading telecommunications operators with sales of 42.5 billion euros in 2021 and 136,500 employees worldwide at 30 September 2022, including 75,000 employees in France. The Group has a total customer base of 286 million customers worldwide at 30 September 2022, including 240 million mobile customers and 24 million fixed broadband customers. The Group is present in 26 countries. Orange is also a leading provider of global IT and telecommunication services to multinational companies under the brand Orange Business Services. In December 2019, the Group presented its "Engage 2025" strategic plan, which, guided by social and environmental accountability, aims to reinvent its operator model. While accelerating in growth areas and placing data and AI at the heart of its innovation model, the Group will be an attractive and responsible employer, adapted to emerging professions.
Orange is listed on Euronext Paris (symbol ORA) and on the New York Stock Exchange (symbol ORAN).
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Sia Partners is a next-generation management consulting firm offering a unique blend of AI and design capabilities, augmenting traditional consulting to deliver superior value to our clients. Counting 2,800 consultants in 19 countries, we expect to achieve €455 million in turnover for the current fiscal year. With a global footprint and expertise in more than 30 sectors and services, we optimize client projects worldwide.
Through its Consulting for Good program, Sia Partners places environmental, social, and ethical impact at the heart of its culture, operations, and business strategy. Beyond our internal practices and policies, we leverage our expertise to deploy sustainable solutions and support organizations and communities around the world.