
Consulting for Good | Our ESG Approach

Consulting for Good(コンサルティング・フォー・グッド)は Sia Partners(シア・パートナーズ)の目標で、「CSRを軸とした目的志向型の企業になること」を目指しております。Sia PartnersのCSRに対する包括的なアプローチでは、Sia Partnersの方針、実績、文化の垣根を超えた下記4つのLabs for Goodを通じて世界中のお客様に革新的なサービスを提供することを目指しております。

01 Our Approach

Our comprehensive approach begins at home, with policies and values that support our people, our community, and our planet.

Consulting For Good Logo


Consulting For Good is Sia’s global Environmental, Social, and Corporate governance approach, by which we strive to integrate ESG into the core of our business strategy, operations, and culture. Our approach covers Sia’s practices and policies, as well as the support we offer our clients via innovative offerings centered on sustainability.

 Consulting For Good operates across three pillars:

  • Climate 
  • Social Responsibility
  • Ethics & Compliance


We leverage Responsible AI across each of these pillars, putting data science at the service of ESG.

Efforts within these labs are both internal and external, and are centered around three global ambitions:

  1. We strive to be an engaged consulting firm by minimizing our environmental impact and engaging with local communities.
  2. We aim to be a next-level employer by supporting the career development of our employees, promoting diversity and inclusion, and fostering a sense of community.
  3. We endeavor to be a trusted partner by remaining uncompromising on ethics and compliance and maintaining responsible relationships with our suppliers.

Click below to discover Sia's global ESG report and other internal engagements. 

02 気候分析ラボ


Sia Partnersは15年に渡り、炭素の削減やエネルギー転換の促進に取り組んでいます。Sia Partnersの利益の12%は気候変動に関連したサービスから得られており、公共部門や民間部門のお客様に対してグローバルで低炭素経済への移行を推進しております。持続可能な世界を創るためには環境への適応と炭素の大幅な削減が必要です。

2023 ESG Report

At Sia, we are committed to making our practices, policies, and actions more sustainable, and to providing transparency to our stakeholders in the process. To see where we are and what's next, check out our 2023 ESG Report.


Sia Partnersの気候分析ラボは気候変動への対策を支援するため、下記6つの主軸に焦点を当てています。



2.最新のテクノロジーを活用:収集できるすべてのデータを活用し、インフラ設備の最適化や再生可能エネルギーの導入を通じて新しいビジネスチャンスを創出します。Sia Partnersでは最新のAIや量子コンピューターなどの技術を活用して、優れた結果を算出しております。





Ecovadis rating

Code of Conduct

Our success relies on the behavior of our people. In line with our Consulting for Good approach to ESG, we are committed to fostering a culture of ethics that is anchored in our values. Our Code of Conduct outlines the role of each of our stakeholders therein.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging

We are committed to building into our DNA a diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture, in which our people thrive in a sense of belonging. 

CAMERR: Cameroon Mangrove Ecosystem Restoration & Resilience

Sia co-finances the largest mangrove restoration project in Cameroon with the goal of restoring 1,000 hectares of mangrove forests in the Cameroon and Ntem estuaries over a 30-year period,



03 社会責任ラボ

業界や職種に関わらず、企業は従業員、コミュニティー、そして関係者に対して大きな社会責任があります。持続的な成長のためには、雇用主が社員の満足度や貢献度を向上させる行動や方針の設計が必要になります。Sia Partnersの社会責任ラボではこのような社会責任に対するサービスを開発しております。




The urgent need to limit the scale of climate change is widely acknowledged. 

Sia has been committed to accelerating carbon reduction and the energy transition for 15 years. 12% of our revenue is generated by offerings related to climate change; we help clients in the public and private sectors navigate the ongoing global transition to a low-carbon economy. Profound mitigation and adaptation are necessary to build a sustainable, resilient world of tomorrow. 

5 Key Focus Areas

  1. Addressing Climate Change: Adapting more sustainable business models by opting for circularity, life cycle assessments and GHG emissions reduction.
  2. Leveraging Technology: Optimizing processes and opening new opportunities via innovative tools, like AI and quantum Computing.
  3. Green Finance: Taking environmental considerations into account to inform investments in the financial sector, allocating resources via green products, assets, and investments.
  4. Government Regulations: Keeping up-to-date with requirements and allocating resources accordingly for reporting, measuring, and adhering to standards
  5. Biodiversity: Protecting the variety of plant and animal life on our planet by preventing the degradation of our oceans and lands.

Social Responsibility

Companies in all industries have an important social responsibility in relation to their people, communities, and other stakeholders. For sustainable growth, it is crucial that employers optimize their practices and policies to strengthen employee engagement and well-being. In our Social Responsibility Lab, we develop offerings to help our clients to do precisely this.  

Our offerings include tools and strategies for promoting diversity and inclusion, integrating best practice techniques and trends, optimizing remote working practices, and supporting work-life balance. 

Additional focus areas for this lab include training & development, burnout and brownout, relocation support, and ESG Policy. 

Colleagues working in office with plants

Inclusive Job Ads

Diversity is not only important for employee well-being: it is good for business. How can companies attract more diverse talent? One way is by examining gender-coded words in job ads. By leveraging the data science capabilities in our Responsible AI lab, we have developed a scraper tool that detects coded language and suggests alternatives that studies have shown to be less biased. By correcting gender bias in this way, companies are able to attract and build a more diverse talent pool. 

Ethics & Compliance

Ethics and Compliance are intangible assets that help all types of organizations not only preserve their reputation, but also ensure the loyalty of their clients, investors, and third parties of all kinds, as well as generate new opportunities.

Nowadays, the public is more and more concerned with companies’ practices and their abidance not only with the law but with ethical standards and best practices. Sia has designed multiple offerings to guide our clients, of all types and sectors, as they address compliance and ethical topics in a structured and innovative fashion, paying particular attention to the implication of all stakeholders and measurable effectiveness of the programs implemented. 

Our international and multicultural approach allows us to address topics such as anti-corruption, where regulation is oftentimes the result of extra-territorial laws and local customs, necessitating a simultaneous need for flexibility, adaptability, and coherence.

In our Ethics & Compliance Lab, we have clearly-defined solutions adaptable to all types of clients, each of them supplemented with cutting-edge tools to provide a comprehensive response to issues related to anti-corruption, data privacy, digital compliance, duty of care, and financial security.

Leveraging Responsible AI

Artificial intelligence is deeply transforming our society and economies. This disruptive technology is creating both new approaches to work and new partnerships between humans and machines, providing opportunities to solve today’s most pressing challenges. While the development of AI creates new opportunities, it also raises new questions about the accountability of AI models, and the need to ensure safeguards for fairness, interpretability, privacy, and security. 

As part of our Consulting for Good approach, we aim to ensure the ethical, transparent, and accountable use of AI technologies, both in our own solutions and in the projects we conduct with our clients.

Computer chip

Driving Responsible AI Strategies

Our Compliance and Data Science teams combine their expertise to help our clients develop responsible AI strategies and principles based on the values of their organization. Our approach serves our clients’ willingness to self-regulate by offering tools to control ethical risks, enhance the clarity and transparency of models, and govern ethical risk. Our mix of business and technical expertise enables us to address the strategic, organisational, and operational aspects of AI ethics.


Developing AI Responsibly

Our Business and Data Science teams develop tools, guidelines, and resources for ethical AI innovation.

  • Governance: Establish strong governance with clear ethical standards and accountability frameworks.
  • Design: Develop ethical AI solutions ensuring transparency. 
  • Monitoring: Algorithmic responsibility, bias, and safety measures.
  • Empowering: Democratizing AI within our organization to develop an AI mindset in our consulting offering: Augmented Consulting 

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